It’s not uncommon to feel that your sentencing was unfair or unjust, especially in drug-related cases where mandatory minimums and harsh penalties are often enforced.

At Elizabeth Franklin-Best, our federal appeals lawyers are experienced in drug trafficking cases. We understand the complex legal system and can help you navigate your case to potentially reduce your sentence or overturn your conviction.

With our knowledge and passion for justice, we can fight for your rights and work towards a more just outcome. Don’t let the system defeat you—contact us today for a consultation.

Drug Trafficking Overview

Drug trafficking, also referred to as drug distribution, involves the illegal sale, transportation, or importation of controlled substances, such as heroin, cocaine, marijuana, and other prohibited drugs. It also covers the unlawful selling or transportation of prescription drugs, which has recently become a growing concern.

Drug trafficking is considered a crime under both state and federal law. However, federal prosecutors typically handle drug-related cases when the drugs are transported across state lines, the trafficking occurred on federal property, or when the offense is linked to a broader drug trade operation.

If you or someone you know has been convicted of a drug trafficking offense, it is crucial to seek the assistance of an experienced federal appellate attorney.

Grounds for Appealing Drug Trafficking Convictions and Sentences

Grounds for appealing drug trafficking convictions and sentences can be based on various factors. One common ground for appeal is the improper admission or exclusion of evidence during the trial.

This can include evidence obtained through an illegal search or seizure, statements made without Miranda warnings, or hearsay evidence not properly authenticated.

Another ground for appeal is the ineffective assistance of counsel. If your defense attorney did not provide adequate representation or failed to meet the standards of professional conduct, it may be possible to appeal your conviction on this basis.

Sentencing guidelines for drug trafficking convictions have undergone significant changes in recent years, which may also allow for retroactive relief for some individuals. If you were sentenced under outdated guidelines or mandatory minimums, you might be able to appeal your sentence.

At Elizabeth Franklin-Best, we understand the complexities of federal drug trafficking appeals and have a proven track record of helping clients navigate the appeals process. Our federal appeals lawyers will review your case and identify any potential grounds for appeal.

How Our Federal Appeals Attorney Helps You

At Elizabeth Franklin-Best, our federal appeals attorney is dedicated to helping clients appeal drug trafficking convictions and sentences.

We can help you by:

  • Reviewing your case — We will carefully review your case and identify any potential grounds for appeal. This includes examining trial transcripts, court records, and other relevant documents to determine if any errors were made during your trial.
  • Crafting a strong appellate brief — We will prepare a detailed appellate brief that outlines the legal arguments and evidence supporting your appeal.
  • Representing you in court — We will represent you and argue your case before the appellate judges. This includes presenting oral arguments and responding to any questions or concerns raised by the judges.
  • Pursuing all available legal options — We will explore all available legal options to help you achieve the best possible outcome. This may include negotiating a plea bargain, seeking a sentence reduction, or pursuing alternative forms of relief.
  • Providing guidance and support — Throughout the appeals process, our attorney will provide guidance and support to help you navigate the complex legal system. We understand this can be a difficult and stressful time, and we are committed to helping you achieve the best possible outcome.

If you are seeking to appeal a drug trafficking conviction or sentence, contact Elizabeth Franklin-Best today to schedule a consultation with our experienced federal appeals attorney. We are here to help you every step of the way.

Why Hire Elizabeth Franklin-Best

Choosing the right attorney to handle your federal drug trafficking appeal is a crucial decision that can significantly impact the outcome of your case.

Here are just a few reasons why you should consider hiring Elizabeth Franklin-Best:

  1. Experience — With over a decade of experience in federal criminal defense and appeals, we deeply understand the federal criminal justice system and the complexities of drug trafficking appeals.
  2. Knowledge — Federal drug trafficking laws and sentencing guidelines are constantly evolving, and it is critical to have an attorney who is up-to-date on the latest legal developments.
  3. Attention to detail — Federal appeals are highly technical and require meticulous attention. Our attorneys are known for their thorough and detail-oriented approach to appeals, which ensures that every aspect of your case is carefully analyzed and addressed.
  4. Compassion — We understand that a federal drug trafficking conviction or sentence is overwhelming. We are committed to providing compassionate, personalized representation that puts your needs and concerns first.
  5. Results — We have a proven track record of successful representative cases, helping numerous clients achieve favorable outcomes, including reduced sentences, overturned convictions, and other forms of relief.

If you or a loved one is facing a federal drug trafficking conviction or sentence, contact us today for a consultation. Our experienced federal appeals attorney will help you achieve the best possible outcome.

Contact Our Federal Appellate Attorneys Today

The appeals process is complex and time-sensitive, and the sooner you take action, the better your chances of achieving a positive outcome.

With Elizabeth Franklin-Best on your side, you can rest assured that you have a skilled and dedicated advocate fighting for your rights and freedom.

Don’t let a drug trafficking conviction define the rest of your life. You have options, and we are here to help you pursue them. Contact us today to learn how we can help you appeal your conviction and sentence.

FAQ: Drug Trafficking Appeals

How long do I have to file a federal drug trafficking appeal?

The deadline for filing a federal drug trafficking appeal is typically 14 days from the date of sentencing. However, in some cases, the deadline may be extended if certain conditions are met.

How can an attorney help me with a federal drug trafficking appeal?

An experienced federal appeals attorney can help you identify potential grounds for appeal, gather and analyze evidence, draft persuasive legal arguments, and present your case to the appeals court. They can also help you navigate the complex appeals process and provide guidance and support every step of the way.

What happens during a federal drug trafficking appeal?

During a federal drug trafficking appeal, the appeals court will review the trial court record and legal arguments from the defendant and the government. They will then issue a written decision either upholding the conviction and sentence or reversing it.

What are my chances of success in a federal drug trafficking appeal?

The outcome of a federal drug trafficking appeal can depend on many factors, including the strength of your legal arguments, the evidence presented, and the appeals court’s interpretation of the law. While there are no guarantees in the appeals process, working with an experienced federal appeals attorney can greatly increase your chances of success.